Featuring The Energy Enhancement System / Halotherapy Salt Booth / Lifewave Patches

A UNIFYD Healing Affiliated Center

Office Hours: Call for Session Times

Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 11:00am to 6:00pm
Wednesday: 10:30am to 8:00pm
Thursday: 11:00am to 3:30pm
Friday: 10:00am to 2:30pm
Saturday: 8:30am to 3:30pm

A Health Ministry of Wisdom Ministries a Private Ministerial Association

Powered by Vagaro Salon SoftwareSpa Software & Fitness Software

What Is The EESystem and How Does it Work?

The EESystem is based on the premise that the body can heal itself. In the modern world we live in we are constantly being bombarded with negative frequencies, unclean air, as well as nutritionally compromised food and tainted water. Our bodies are in great need of support so it can get back to healing itself. The EESystem is that support.
The EESystem is designed to create an environment in which the mind and the body can function at their normal, optimum level.
The EESystem is a breakthrough technology, consisting of computers and monitors aligned in a configuration that produces a field of scalar waves. The system generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels. A unique space of zero point energy is created in the room. The room is filled with non-linear scalar waves that includes the natural frequency of the earth. (Grounding) The EE System accomplishes this by canceling out linear electromagnetic waves.
Being in an EESystem room has an immediate effect on every cell in the body. Every day, electromagnetic pollution interferes with our bodies normal frequency. This compromises our health. The cells of the body vibrate at their optimum frequency under the influence of scalar waves.
Scalar energy, as opposed to other forms of energy (such as electrical or light energy), will fill its environment acting as a field as opposed to a simple wavelength. It is able to pass through solid objects, such as human cells, with no loss of intensity. It acts as a charger, boosting the voltage of the cell, making the cell wall more permeable, and facilitating greater intake of nutrients and elimination of waste. In other words, every single cell detoxifies. Toxins are quickly released from the tissues into the blood stream that is itself made more fluid and so able to carry the toxins away more effectively. The bodies cells will start to regenerate faster.
The normal cell pumps 70-90 milivolts of energy at optimum health. As a person grows older, acquires disease, or experiences stress, the voltage of the cell decreases. This decrease in energy has significant effects on the body, most significantly is the decreased ability of the body to recuperate. This is where the application of scalar energies ability to boost the cells voltage comes in.
Clinical trials have shown the EESystem acts as an antidepressant, improves immune function, and stimulates activity in the brain. Clinical observation shows improvement in many conditions including diabetes, kidney stones, arthritis and post-operative healing. Pain control and vision have also improved. Psychological studies report increased levels of happiness, relaxation, positive outlook, calmness and peace. If we supply our body with the energy it needs we will be able to heal and thrive.
Applied on a holistic level, in an effort to bring about healing of the mind, body, and spirit, those entering the EES environment are encouraged to enter a meditative state for maximum benefit.
Upon completion of a session, many clients have reported increased mental focus, decreased stress, increased energy, reduction in inflammation and pain and improved overall health just to mention a few.
Visit Infinite Energy of Allentown your local Energy Enhancement System (EE System) center at 1125 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Suite 107 Allentown, PA 18103.

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A"As published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Neurology Research, we were able to greatly mitigate (90 to 95%) grand-mal seizures in a 4-year-old patient. We also have numerous reports of the improvement of various health conditions from eyesight to arthritis, to chronic pain and much more. Based on the above peer-reviewed article and our experience with patients, it is clear that the EES has real and medically beneficial effects."

Prof. Terry Shintani MD, JD, MPH

"The true bio-scalar EESystem offers clients the ultimate for reversing illness and disease…Treatments bring back youth, vitality, and health."

Prof. Dr. Thom Lobe MD

"This is the most extraordinary technology I have seen in my 20 years of practice as an Alternative Healthcare Doctor. The results which have been attained with this therapy are quite frankly MIRACULOUS"

Dr. James DeBoer DC

"I’m a big supporter and endorser of Dr. Michael’s work. Her technology is a great way to reach thousands who are suffering. I’ve been involved with this technology myself and have seen positive dramatic changes. Sandra Rose is on the cutting edge of what one day I believe will be standard practice in curing disease."

Dr. Wayne Dyer MD